Whitehead Legal COVID-19 Firm Evolution Plan

Since we rebranded to Whitehead Legal, part of the firm’s evolution was to invest in technology to essentially allow our partners to take their laptops and work anywhere with connectable WiFi – and to go ‘paperless’. Whilst we have our physical office setups in Kew and Canterbury, our partners have also worked remotely for years now - we are an agile firm.

Another aspect of our firm’s evolution was to increase its national footprint. Our firm proudly practices nationally and has done so for decades. We have clients in every state and territory and a particularly significant caseload in New South Wales. As of 2019, our firm expanded its NSW footprint to include its Neutral Bay satellite.

Whilst our remote working has not changed (apart from the Friday afternoon catch ups with clients/industry colleagues) we appreciate that our health practitioner clients are all affected in different ways by the pandemic, particularly in Melbourne and regional Victoria.

We are maintaining our client commitments in the usual way and protecting any disruption to our legal services.

We also want to reassure all our health practitioner clients, our professional referral partners and industry colleagues that we are closely monitoring the specific health practitioner guidelines set by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments and the respective AHPRA associations and health authorities and will ensure that we continue to deliver the highest level of service to our clients over the course of the pandemic.

Firm Tech Options for Clients
We are contactable via normal means. We are already well-versed in utilising our firm tech and are actively encouraging its further use including:

  • remote office tech – we collaborate remotely, consistently, with partners, clients, industry colleagues and referrers

  • Zoom is our preferred video conferencing tech for meetings

  • email/telephone communications – to ensure we promptly respond to any client queries or concerns, please note the usual following key contact details for Whitehead Legal – even if it’s just to say hi:

Whitehead Legal                    03 9804 0262               

Clair Whitehead                      0421 33 88 01             clair@whiteheadlegal.com.au

Julian Whitehead                    0411 406 151              julian@whiteheadlegal.com.au